A Weight

I have become more aware of this weight that I carry. It’s a weight I carry every where I go. Every minute of everyday. Its hard to describe. Most people […]...

Flooded with Memories

I have noticed that everytime I have sat down in the last few weeks I have wanted to start my posts with, “this has been so challenging.” The last few […]...

Last Holiday

This weekend is tough. I miss her big. I miss her always but today my heart can’t quite get back to the normal pace. I just knew something was wrong […]...

Friday and Birthday Week

It’s Friday, and it’s a birthday week in our house. We cherish every birthday. We learned how quickly all that can change. Fridays are always hard. I miss her everyday […]...

All Because…

All because…Our family has had some changes recently. Good changes. My sister had her first child. A beautiful little baby girl! I am learning with every life change,big or small, […]...

Wishing a Joyful New Year

This year of grief has been challenging to say the least. As we faced the year of seconds without our Melina our hearts are learning this is our forever. Our […]...


This Thanksgiving has been a new type of torture. See it’s no longer the first. It’s not the new normal. It’s just the normal. Two girls on this Earth with […]...

Happy Birthday

Melina, Baby girl there are so many thing I can say. In the end though it is all the same. I just miss you. My heart breaks everyday for the […]...

Birthday Week

Today I woke up to birthday week. This was a week Melina started all on her own. I have always been big on birthdays but our Melina made them over […]...


Amazement/ HateNow those are two words you just don’t put together. Yet I feel like that’s where I am stuck at times. Talk about confusion, but that’s my heart. One […]...