Letter to Melina
Melina, You will always be my reason. You will always be my why. You will always be my beautiful baby. I got up today, I didn’t want too. I walked […]...
Diagnosis Day
A day I will forever hear “there is a mass on your daughter’s brain.” Life, as I know it will never exist the way it did before this day. I […]...
Time and Pain
Grief and time. This is a topic of conversation I recently had with one of my closest friends. We talked about how when grief first starts you don’t remember days, […]...
Magic and Heartache
I have been thinking a lot about our Foundation lately. I don’t know if it’s because of Christmas and it’s just that time of reflection, but I see more of […]...
Baby girl. I hate this. I hate all of this. Today is just not right. Today is a day that mommy wants so much to make you proud. But honestly […]...
Is that Her?
So recently I was at an event and for the first time I saw this happen. I watched a mom say to her friend “is that her?” and point at […]...
Why Joy
The last few weeks have been hard. I haven’t been 100 percent myself. I’m present. I have been at events. I get through a day. I smile, and laugh. But […]...
Unexpected Part 2
So the unexpected part of grief is ridiculous. You don’t know when it will hit you. You don’t know what to expect. You go along your day and get blindsided […]...
There are days I just go along. I wake up to my new normal. I take my two girls to school. I blow kisses to the one in the clouds […]...
This week has been a tough one. A good friend of ours who lived this torture always reminds me the days that end in “y” are the toughest. And this […]...