I can’t write on this one. In fact I can barely breath thinking about this. How is she not here for her day?
Melina and I did birthdays big. Like ridiculously big. We lived for birthdays! Maybe it was the ice cream or the party but we loved them. Melina loved what she loved. Hence why she had two Minnie Mouse parties (2 year old, 3 year old) when she was old enough to choose and number four was truly a bad bachelorette. “Fancy Nancy in cheeto”. Which means a flag with Fancy Nancy and every bad leopard print decor you could imagine. When she picked out the balloons the lady asked me if it was for her. The giant pink four and the cheeto color balloons? My response was yes and much to her and my surprise she asked “is it bad I want to come”. No trust me Melina threw a great birthday party, Cinderella even showed up… yes we had cheeto, Fancy Nancy and Cinderella! Yet we never questioned it because Melina was always a little much.
So this year I can’t do this without her but I have too. This one hurts. So I need to ask for help. On Friday it’s everyone’s day. We have a special surprise I will post Thursday night. Unfortunately it is first come first serve. But Friday morning is on my girl! I can’t get her a Frappuccino and a cake pop but I can give back to as many of you as we can for all you have given to us. For helping to keep our baby girl’s name alive, for finding her joy, and helping to find answers.
And my second favor is something I need from all of you. Sunday is her birthday. Sunday I want Melina to know that we are all celebrating her. So at 7:00pm I would love if you would go outside and light a candle on your driveway, porch or even by your front door. We would love for Melina to see her giant birthday cake from heaven. I know we will be singing. (I know she is singing too …hopefully she has had some lessons) but it would mean more than we could ever express. So Sunday is birthday candles for Melina!
Thank you for loving our girl. The world lost more than it will ever know. November 15th will always hurt but I will take all the pain in the world for 11-15-15. Always our joy 💚💛🌈