Support. During this horrific time, one thing I know for sure, I am NEVER alone. I don’t walk this path alone. Not for one minute or one second. I have more love surrounding myself, Keith, and my girls than I imagined was possible . The amount of support that we have received is just beyond words. I have always known I have the world’s greatest family. I know now they won’t let us break. Not only for themselves but for Melina. She loved way to big for that to happen. What else I have learned is how amazing people can be.
I cannot even begin to express the amount of gratefulness I have for the people that have walked into my life. The tight group that chooses in my darkest moments to sit with me and just wait. They don’t look for thank yous. They don’t look for recognition. They don’t share my grief outside the situation. They just sit. I never imagined that type of loyalty and friendship. Everyone of them says, at my darkest moments, “We will make sure she is the miracle, and we will never stop”. These are my people. They help me gain perspective. They remind me daily that I do have choices and it does take strength to choose to get out of bed. They remind me of her joy. They won’t let me fail. They are my pact and my peace. They know and love my Melina and will continue to fight along with me.
Then I think of the outpouring of love with this foundation. I feel support from people I don’t even know. Every time this page is shared. Every dollar someone spends. Every bracelet worn. And every time someone says Melina, we know it. I cannot believe what this community has done for us. And every time it happens I find a peace. I find a peace in the fact that we have a chance. We have a chance to truly make Melina the miracle for the next family. We have the financial support to provide a hospital, with brilliant doctors, the means to search for a cure.
I want to let all of you know, from my closest friends to everyone of you that says her name and raises awareness, it is your support that gets us through. Klara and Emilea see it. They feel it. And we survive because of it. Someone told me “she will make us all better” and I know she already has.